Welcome to Noh Lab

금오공과대학교 토목공학과 수문학연구실 (Noh Lab)에서는 기후변화로 인해 인류에게 직접적인 영향을 미치는 홍수, 가뭄 등 물 문제에 대한 분석 및 해결 방법에 대해 연구합니다.

We are a Hydrology and Water Resources Lab (Noh Lab) at Civil Engineering Department at Kumoh National Institute of Technology. Our aim is to explore and characterize complexity and uncertainty in hydrology and water resources systems to improve both our understanding of these systems and our ability to respond to water-related hazards under changing climate conditions.

주요 연구분야:

There are five main areas of research:

  1. 도시 홍수 해석 (Urban flood) : Urban flood modeling to disentangle uncertainty in urban water systems for resilient and sustainable cities
  2. 수문학적 자료 동화 (Hydrologic data assimilation) : Reducing uncertainty by combining computer simulations of model states and parameters with measurement information
  3. 데이터 기반 수문 해석 (Data-driven hydrologic modeling) : Data-driven machine learning approaches to solve complex water-related environmental problems
  4. 기후변화 적응 수자원 관리 (Climate-adaptative water resources management) : Integrated and adaptive water resources management schemes to mitigate impacts of the climate change
  5. 멀티센서 수문 관측 (Measurement and analysis of hydrologic variables using Multi-sensors) : Utilization and analysis of multiple sensors to measure hydrologic variables from precipitation to soil moisture to streamflow

Noh Lab 가입 Joining Noh Lab

If you are interested in joining please go to the contact page.

연구비 지원 Funding

We are grateful for funding from the National Research Foundation, K-water, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Ministry of Science and ICT, and National Institute Of Environmental Research